Software product demo video design

May 27, 2022

Software product demos are one of the key tools in marketing applications, platforms, and ecosystems. But product demos don’t have to be boring! Fast-paced animation can add to your product demo video and make it more engaging. LightMix worked with Sellular, a product by Plivo, to develop and animate a demo of the sales management software. Are you looking to create a demo for your application? Contact us today to discuss the process and receive a proposal!


Trader Funding Website Design – BluSky Trading

May 22, 2022

LightMix designed branding and website for professional trader funding firm, BluSky Trading. View BluSky website.


Website design for National Bar Institute, a resource for advancing the legal profession in African American and other minority communities.

May 11, 2022

LightMix was engaged by National Bar Institute to develop a web presence and identity for NBI, a charitable arm of the National Bar Association. We developed a user-friendly website with program information, membership, and sponsorship opportunities for the Washington DC-based nonprofit organization, which focuses on advancing minorities in the legal profession. We are proud to add this website to our portfolio of nonprofit website design. Are you looking for a website design or redesign for your nonprofit organization? Give us a call or send an email for a free proposal! Visit NBI advocacy website case study.


Website design for Washington DC Foundation

May 3, 2022

Web design for Washington DC nonprofit, an arm of SCORE, the national free business advice organization.


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