Corporate website redesign for Edge C Group

February 17, 2017

Extended our 6+ year long relationship with Edge C Group LightMix designed and developed third generation of their corporate website. New website is built on heavily customized WordPress platform, features new corporate identity and new visual language developed by LightMix. Website provides access to the company’s product and services, including monthly/yearly subscription functionality, and access to sample research articles. This project is Phase 1 of a 3-phase project which involves corporate website, custom Client Portal application (currently in development by LightMix), and future mobile application.


Website redesign and application development for BeaSpermDonor

February 1, 2017

LightMix designed and develop website and custom user-facing and back-end application for – a subsidiary of our long-term client Genetics and IVF Institute / Fairfax Cryobank. Website features appealing modern UX and is centered around multi-step online application for potential donors, with user registration, save/continue functionality; yearly data updates capability, powerful Admin section with complex multi-tier review/approval process, connected via custom API to back-office Navision database.


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