Content development strategy and ideas

June 30, 2013

Content development strategy, tips and ideas. Ongoing changes in search engine algorithms made old strategies obsolete and relevant and engaging content becomes crucial in improving SEO for any business. Development of quality and sticky content making your organization a valuable resource of industry-specific information is a great strategy to gain more credibility with users and search engines. Developing valuable content vs spamming Many outsourced SEO services deliver volume and low quality. A systematic, professional and thoughtful approach to creation and improvement of your content is a must. Positioning organization as a leader in a field is not always easy to…


Top branding and identity challenges

June 2, 2013

Branding is far wider then business identity and involves actual user experience of your organization brand, products, services, personnel, support etc. When user experience is taken into account, branding and marketing strategy will help develop business. What are top branding challenges organizations face today? Catching up with technology Many organizations continue allocating smaller share to digital media despite changes in trends, user behavior and different requirements then 10 years ago. Understanding how users interact with brands today is critical in developing overall communication strategy. Same approach that worked over past 25 years will not work, should be modified to utilize…


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